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Support our Kaupapa
Buy Vege
The best way to support small farms trying to do agriculture a bit different, is to choose their produce.
If you are in Ōtaki, become an ŌSA member, or shop at Te Pātaka - an honesty vege fridge on Main St stocked by small, local farms only.
If you live somewhere else, find your local small-scale market garden. A few who run CSAs can be found at the Village Agrarians' directory, but many more exist.
We're a registered charity, so donations are tax deductible.
You can donate via credit card (we do lose a small percentage to credit card fees) or get in touch with us directly to make a fees free donation via bank transfer.
We're also on the hunt for second hand infrastructure, such as (but not limited to!)
- A greenhouse/polytunnel
- A walk-in cooler
- Old market garden equipment, power tools, nursery trolleys, harvest crates etc
Share your skills
If you have particular skills and expertise, we'd love to hear from you. In particular:
Financial administration
Grant fund writing
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