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Support  our  Kaupapa

Crate of Beetroot

Buy  Vege

The best way to support small farms trying to do agriculture a bit different, is to choose their produce.

If you are in Ōtaki, become an ŌSA memberor shop at Te Pātaka - an honesty vege fridge on Main St stocked by small, local farms only.

If you live somewhere else, find your local small-scale market garden. A few who run CSAs
 can be found at the Village Agrarians' directory, but many more exist.

Crooked Vege Working Bee


We're a registered charity, so donations are tax deductible.

You can donate via credit card (we do lose a small percentage to credit card fees) or get in touch with us directly to make a fees free donation via bank transfer.

We're also on the hunt for second hand infrastructure, such as (but not limited to!)
- A greenhouse/polytunnel
-  A walk-in cooler

- Old market garden equipment, power tools, nursery trolleys, harvest crates etc

Crooked Vege working bee


Share your skills

If you have particular skills and expertise, we'd love to hear from you. In particular:

  • Trades

  • Marketing

  • Financial administration

  • Grant fund writing

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